Advertising In Local Hospitals
April 26, 2012 Leave a Comment
Recently I’ve been working on the launch of a new hospital advertising service that enables small businesses such as Care Homes, Local Taxis, Mobility Providers and other relevant organisations to advertise on the bedside screens in their local hospital.
Until recently advertising in hospitals was limited to placing posters and leaflets, or ads on hospital radio. But now gives local firms the chance to put themselves right in front of patients by placing ads on the bedside screens that patients use to watch TV, access the internet, listen to the radio, and even order their food!
Across the UK there is a potential annual audience of over 10million patients, and ads can also be seen by up to 5 million visitors and 500,000 NHS staff. Of course, if an advertiser just targets their local hospital, then these numbers are somewhat lower. provides a highly engaging and great value advertising opportunity for small businesses. Patients can click straight through to a website from an ad, but can also pick up the phone to call right there and then. And with packages starting at just £40 per hospital per month, pricing is highly competitive in comparison to local newspapers and other local media.
If you’re interested in knowing more about Local Hospital Advertising please feel free to call me on 07827 806722 or email